She sent the pics with the following description:
"I came across your website and wanted to share my tab art with you! My boyfriend and I made his shirt by gluing the tabs onto the shirt. We made it for halloween and was supposed to look like chainmail. I decided a year later that I would make my own outfit for Halloween. I went a different route and decided to weave it rather than the terrible hot glue. I am entering in a costume contest this Thursday, hopefully I win! I love all of the things that you have made from tabs and it has inspired me to keep working with the tabs! Thanks!" - Jessica
She did a fantastic job on the top and skirt! And, those gauntlets, or arm bracers, are a perfect addition. Also note the sheath on her sword and shield she is holding that is also covered in tabs and bottlecaps. Such a great outfit! I'm rooting for her to win top prize for all her hard work. It really brightens my day to see such unique and wonderful items inspired by my own work.
Now, go forth and slay more aluminum beasties!!