The corset prototype is just about finished. I will be making two versions. One with and one without the cups. This image shows cups, but they are easily removed. Have a couple things left to correct. I need to lower the bust line and alter the cups a bit more like the bra for better comfort.
It's kind of Frankenstein-ish at this point with all the different colored shoelaces and all. I was using scraps. The sides are a colorful ducky print I had.
The bra has been altered slightly, especially in the cups, since this photo, but this version will have crisscrossed back straps. I will eventually make a version that goes all the way around with hooks or laces.
I'm still on the fence about what colors to use on the final pieces. I have a pile of black t-shirts I might use for the bra, but I'm thinking I will use some burgundy fleece for the corset.