
Monday, July 18, 2011

Another Topless Hat

If you've been keeping up with the last two posts on here, you'll know I'm making some items for a RMH charity auction held in Kentucky in August. This hat is the last of these items.

It's a "topless" hat similar to the green one I made my mom. I chose this style because it is practical and easy to wear everyday, even with a ponytail. And, it would be easier to ship, too. When mom occasionally wears her own hat about town, she gets many nice comments even before they realize what it is made of.

This hat is woven with blue, white and gray polar fleece remnants to match the bag and the cozy. If you're interested, the pattern for this hat is available in my Etsy store.Link

The crown is made using a mix of larger soup and fruit can tabs and the small square ones. I used a few small blue acrylic gems on the crown to go with the large blue gem on the purse.

Above is a pic of all the items I'm sending (minus the model, of course). I was going for a set that could all be used together, perhaps on a game day.

If you're curious, the "new" model wearing this hat is a styrofoam head I picked up with an old hat and hat box. Got the lot for $5! Never know what you'll come across secondhand bargain hunting. At close inspection, she looks a little care worn, but she suits her purpose just fine for me. It's great to be able to shoot pics once in awhile without bugging the family to play dress up. :)

I'll post any news I hear about how the auction went, if I hear any. Sure hope they like these pieces and they're a big hit there. Now back to finishing some tutorials I'm severely behind on.


  1. Makes me think of the Kentucky Derby! These are really nice and very well made.

  2. Thanks Katie! Though I'm not sure I understand the Kentucky Derby reference. Were you meaning the colors?


  3. The hat is very beautiful! I like the single jewel in the middle!

  4. Thanks, Jahanara! There's actually four jewels around the hat, but only is visible in each pic. I probably would have added more, if I could. I love pretty shinies! :)


  5. Me ha gustado mucho tu blog y lo he recomendado en el
    Enhorabuena por tu trabajo!!!!

  6. Muchas Gracias, Rocio!

    (Thanks you very much, Rocio) :)


  7. Must apologize. I forgot to update about the charity auction success. The Executive Director had this to say:

    "Our McDazzle Gala and Auction was our best one EVER! Not only did we make more than in previous years, the audience feedback has been outstanding!

    I cannot thank you enough for kind donation. Everyone got such a kick out of the beautiful way to incorporated “pop tabs” into your designs…and the “UK Blue” color theme was fantastic!"

    That was very kind of her. So, it was a great success. Good to hear.

    I'll soon be posting pics of my Steampunk outfit including the tabistry corset. I've failed to get good pics of it since I made some alterations to it, even though I've worn it several times since the last ones. Bad me! Bad, Bad! :)
