
Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Curvier Corset in Light Blue

Hello there! Finally posting a new project. I've been reworking a victorian-style corset for some time now. By victorian, I guess I mean that it is more curvier than the previous corset.


I had some trouble with the other one I made being to short to wear with the low cut pants that are in these days. So, I made one that extends down further over the hips. I also worked in what I'm referring to as an "intarsia" design into the front. I'm calling it that because creating it is very similar doing intarsia in knitting using floats.



I reduced the number of tabs in the lacing by skipping every other one. I don't have it laced as tightly as it will be for faire. I want to break it in slowly. Mom laced me upsidedown from what I prefer being small chested and all. Ideally it should be laced starting at both the top and bottom and tied in the middle, but my shoestring laces were too long for that. :)




Thanks for looking!

Oh! If you want to make your own, I do have the pattern to make this corset available for trade.


  1. Oh, I love it! I think it is my favorite now!!! Very cool!


  2. Hey, just wanted to let you know that I gave you a blog award. Please stop by my blog and pick it up!!


  3. I'm interested in your bra top pattern. I'm sure I could figure it out with some trial and error, but why do that when I can just ask you?!?!

    I'm not sure what I can trade being a newbie crafty person, but let's chat!


  4. Sunshine, I'd be happy to share my patterns with you. Just send me an email. My address is in my profile page. You can click my avatar image at the bottom of my page to get there.

    Which pattern would you be interested in? By bra top do you mean the Turkish vest? I have made a bikini top that was very simple in the past. They were just triangles. Wouldn't require a pattern. To see what I'm referring to, Rachel made a much nicer lined version on her Metamorphosis blog ( using "plarn" (plastic bag yarn).

    Eventually I plan to make a cabaret-style bra top with bottle cap coins. So many ideas, so little time. :)

  5. The bikini top is what I was talking about! I wanted to work out the simple one you had and then try it out with thicker straps. I'm more of a tribal dancer, so I'm thinking tribal style halter top.

    Agh, I'm having trouble with the link. I started working on it a bit, but I didn't get too far. I figured I'd try the belt first. I haven't tried to tackle it yet. My concern was the increases and how to connect the different rows. I would imagine that you could use the same "string" for each triangle, right?

    Thanks, Sunshine

  6. Sunshine, did you find the bikini in my photobucket album? It was one of my first attempts at "tabistry". I used chenille yarn, which was not the best of choices. Yes, you should be able to create the whole triangle from one continuous strip of fabric. The increases will be different based on whether you start at the top or bottom of the triangle. I start at either, but the bottom may be easier. Then, they become decreases instead. :)

    If your having trouble getting to Rachel's blog, there is an active link to it on my craft blog "All Things Crafty" ( I'm working on a gallery to put everyone's completed tabistry project pics in. When you get yours completed, I'd be happy to add the pics. Good luck with it.


  7. Ack! I just discovered Rachel has changed her blog. Her bikini top is now at:

    She just posted a cool new top there, too!


  8. lol Sorry about that!!! :) i did change my blag name. I am planning on opening an etsy store for dresses and such (probably not my can tab projects) in the summer and i am trying to get ready for it. :) Anyways...

    Sunshine, I made a "how-to" for that swim top on a craft site I am a part of. Here is the link:

  9. Thanks, Rachel. I've added your links to the left sidebar of this blog. Good luck with the Etsy shop!


    Ack! I've been having a terrible time with this comment posting since upgrading my browser. IE8 :P

  10. This one is, by far, my favorite of all your creations so far.

    Would you be interested in some type of chainmaille in trade for this pattern (and help adjusting it for my measurements)?

  11. Thank you, Firelady. I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out. Hope that's a good sign I'm improving at this. :)

    I'd be happy to help you make one. Chain maille would probably go nicely with can tabs. Email me from my profile page and we'll discuss it further.


  12. awesome! i think you have solved an idea for a costume i have in my head. only use black with the tabs. (i love black and silver) i have a year before the event (a con that benifits a ferret shelter in cleveland)

    how many tabs did you use?

    jean k

  13. Hello, Jean K! Glad I've inspired you today. I, too, love the look of black with silver. The corset above took well over 1500 tabs, though I haven't actually counted them all. :)

    Thanks for commenting!


  14. Sent you an email about a week ago, I hope it didn't get caught in a spam filter. Just in case it did, here's my email...

    GA_Firelady [at] yahoo [dot] com

  15. Firelady, I'm sorry. I'm really not sure what happened. I swear I sent a reply, but I just resent one. So, let me know if you don't receive it.


  16. To get the curvy shape right did you make a fabric mock up? The shape is so perfect I'm just in awe of it.

  17. Hi, Lisa. This corset was mostly just trial and error. No fabric mock up. I had made the previous one with a pattern generator, which provides the basic shapes, and planned it out in Adobe Illustrator. This one is a modified version where I played with suggestions from many sources on corsetry.

    The tabs have just a little stretch to help it form to your figure but still keep you supported.


  18. I love it.. Is it chainmail?


  19. Hello Mary. Thanks for commenting. Technically, my work isn't considered true "chainmail" because I weave fabric strips between the tabs to join them instead of using rings that are connected together. Though, there are chainmail artists who do make "tabmail", which mixes can tabs with rings. I may try a bit of this later on.

    Have a cantastically tabulous weekend!


  20. I saw your corset on and thought it was awesome so I featured it and a link to your blog on my blog @

  21. Thank you so much, Erin, for finding my tabistry blog worth a link to. It's an honor to be included with such talented folk.

    BTW, you have some really clever and interesting posts. Love the Controversial swimsuits!


  22. I was wondering if you ever might do a commission. How much would it be? if you could email me at that'd be great! I LOVE your corsets and want so badly to make one but I can't figure out what you are doing..thanks!


  23. Hello, Tiffany. Love your name. ;)

    Thanks for commenting. I do make commissioned works, but I really prefer swaps and helping other learn Tabistry. I have a tutorial for weaving tabistry available on Etsy ( And, a tabistry corset tute/patterns will hopefully be available soon.


  24. Hi Tiffany!

    I was just wondering if the pattern for this corset is in your Tabistry Basics Tutorial?


  25. Hey there, Anon. To answer your question, no. The Tabistry Basics covers the techniques that would be needed to weave and assemble a corset and many other skills, but NOT the actual pattern or how to measure a corset. Corsets are custom fit, so it would be near impossible to write up a pattern that would fit everyone. It also does NOT include how I wove the tan design in the front of the light blue one.

    It DOES cover how to weave custom shaped panels by adding long and short rows, which is how I created the corset panels, and illustrates possible ways to join the panels.

    I'm still working on the tute/pattern for making your own corset. Should cover at least three styles, I think.


  26. hey,
    i love this, but i was wondering what the best fabric to weave it together would be.
    thanks (this corset is my favourite)


  27. Hi fran. I have found two fabrics that I like best and are the least expensive for weaving. The first would be jersey knit like what is used to make t-shirts or sweat shirts. The other is polar fleece, which is great, but some lower quality types tends to shed a lot while weaving. Any strong knit fabric should work. I don't suggest weaves. They will unravel and fray really bad. Ribbon, like grosgrain, or even twill tape can be used. But, most I find are not stretchy and will make your weave much stiffer. Shoelaces are good for small projects. Pretty much anything goes as long as it is sturdy and doesn't unravel or snag easy.


  28. nice! this is a really awesome use of tabs. amazing. i also dabble some in tabistry, check out my website for some stuff. i sell all of them except the vest!

  29. Wow, Ray(Anon)! Great job with the tabs. Looks like you've caught the tabistry bug like us.

    I really like the top hat. I wanted to make a small mad hatter shaped one for my wip steampunk costume (among a gazillion other things). :) But, I've had too many other projects to even begin one, yet. We'll see if I can ever get to it. I was stumped on how to make it black. Can't find many black tabs, and spray paint just didn't cut it.

    You've got some clever tab items on your site. I'll have to keep checking back to see you new stuff. Thanks for sharing.

    If you haven't, yet. Come join our facebook discussion group by searching for "tabistry". It's a bit quiet right now, but your more than welcome to post pics or questions there.


  30. sorry for the long reply time, honestly i forgot i posted that.

    but thanks! (: i just updated it. and im working on a few other things for later this school year. and im going to join the facebook group now, ill put my link up there too.

    and i know what you mean with the spray paint not cutting it. the florescent belt i had up was painted, and that kinda faded and got worn after a while.

  31. np, Ray. Look forward to seeing you and your projects in our group.

    I've got nail polish in the works on my next project. We'll see how it lasts.


  32. Love your creations! I am a full figured individual, do your patterns work for a larger figure? I would love to have a copy of your corset pattern (if possible. I tried your email link,but am not on either yahoo or gmail. How can I get ahold of you? I am making a baldrick with tabs (think Worf sash on Star Trek).

  33. Hello, Anon. I think a tab corset would work fine for a larger figure. It would all depend on three things: how stretchy the weaving material is, how thick the material is, and how tightly you weave it. You'd want it to be pretty stiff to give ample support. The corset pictured above in this post is so stiff it can stand on its own. I used polar fleece strips that were about 1.5" or more wide. This fills the holes pretty well. I also weave extremely tight. You might want to use a material that doesn't stretch at all, to have the maximum support.

    To contact me, you can copy and paste my email addy in my profile to your mail program of choice. Or, you can also find me on Facebook if you search for "tabistry" there. I don't recommend leaving your email in the comment section here due to spammers.

    The baldrick sounds fantastic! I'd love to see your progress.


  34. Oh, you can also contact me on I'm mieljolie there, too.


  35. Amazing work, perfect fit.
    Eva Maria

  36. Thanks, Eva! Haven't had this corset on in several months. Might not be such a perfect fit these days. ;)


  37. I am still working and working trying to do a corset, kinda like this one. I did do the generate corset pattern and from there I am stuck. I do sew and for some reason this does not want to compute on my head. If you have a pattern of this corset I would love to have it , I did buy all your patterns off of etsy and realized it wasn't on there. This is going to be for a fairie fest I am going as one of the recycling fairies. thanks ofr everything. my email addy is

    1. Sorry to hear about the frustrations with the corset. I've sent you an email regarding the pattern, which I placed with the other files. Keep me posted on how the progress goes.


  38. I love it ... just found your site thanks to pinterest. You are so creative! I would love to talk to you about a trade ... I've never tried using tab for anything.

    1. I'd love to discuss a trade. Feel free to contact me. You can reach me best by email or facebook.

      Definitely try tabistry. It pretty simple once you get the hang of it, which isn't too bad. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try and help.


  39. I'm interested in a trade for this pattern, and for the hat patterns. I make gemstone-beaded jewelry, if you're interested in anything for a trade.

    I'm bookmarking this page so I can check back. Can you supply your email address? Mine, if you'd prefer to take the initiative, is

    How do you come by so many tabs? I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with ways to get more. I'm thinking of visiting the local community center and asking to place a bucket with a sign. For starters.

  40. Hi I'm interested in the pattern for this silver and gold pop tab bustier, and also how to weave it. Can someone help me please? :)

    1. hi, minni. Did you mean this blue/tan one? I have a pattern available for this one. I also have an illustrated tutorial on how to weave th tabs. Email me (my address is in my profile) or message me on Facebook for details.


  41. Hey Tiffany, How do I get the pattern for this "New Curvier Corset in Light Blue"? Please let me know as soon as you can. Thank You, Tami

    1. Hello, Tami-jo! I've been working on the corset tutorials. So far I have the red/black gusseted one available on at:

      I'm still working on the tutorial for the others. They are a little more complex to alter/fit correctly. And, I've had to set the tabistry tutorials/projects aside to finish some other projects/tutorials that I had promised to get up by Oct.

      All that being said, I do have just the patterns available. But, you'd need to do the altering/resizing on your own. You can message me by email in my profile or on facebook via the link on the left navigation.


  42. I was wondering if you had the instructions for the blue and tan corset? Do I need to give you anything for it? I'm very new to this but a friend of mine saw one similar to it but the lady wants a bit of money for the directions and I am living on a very restricted budget that I don't have much money for anything spare. But she really did love it and I love to make things especially since I have the time to do so. Plus she has gone through such a rough year last year that I would love to do something like this for her. I could try to come up with something for it. I'm just curious as to what you would like.

    1. I have the pattern, but have not finished the tutorial, yet. Message me. My email address is in my profile, or you can pm me on Facebook (mieljolie).

  43. Hey there! This is really neat, what kind of patterns are you looking for to trade for the secret art of adding lace to your tab chainmail links?

    1. That'd be hard to say. I'm a bit busy at the moment to try new projects. But, I'd consider a trade. Message me by email or facebook.

  44. Hello mieljolie,

    Your work has been sited here:,42142.0.html

    And I do have to say as a chainmaille maker I find you designs exceptionally innovative and engaging. The ease with which the fabric brings color to the design. Also, the possibilities of other maille weaves being enhanced by such techniques is intriguing. Thank you for this opportunity to view your work.

    1. Thank you so much for informing me about the mention. It's always interesting to hear what others say about my work. :) Someone once compared my techniques to that of Lamellar armor. I still find it rather amazing to think of the limitless things that can be done with simple tabs. I've been a long time admirer of chainmaille and it's many possibilities, too. Do you post any pics of your work? I'd enjoy taking a look.

      Thanks, again,


  45. I am definitely interested in trade for the pattern. I am a crafter myself. Crochet is my main craft. I am currently busy with a powwow but soon as I am done will contact you via email.

    1. Look forward to hearing from fellow crafters. My address is in my profile. :)


  46. I would love to have this pattern. What are you looking to trade?

    1. I'm open to many things including tutorials, crafted items, or supplies. Message me by email (in my profile) or by Facebook to discuss it further.


  47. Do you plan to add this pattern to your etsy shop?

    1. Sorry, I missed replying to this comment. This pattern is a little more complicated than the gusseted corset pattern I sell on Etsy, but I do plan to make it available with instructions when possible.

  48. Mam can u share me this pattern pls i want to this im from philippines thank u soo much

    1. Mam pls here is my email i dying yo fo this thnk u so much and what materials did u use im

    2. Plssss mam and thnk u i really appriciate it so much

    3. Plssss mam and thnk u i really appriciate it so much

  49. I love this project but im new in this craft but plssss help me to make one of this own my own.. to boost my confidence that i can be a designer someday plsss mamm i beg u

    1. Hello there. I appreciate you interest in learning tabistry. I do have the pattern for this, but I do not have the instructions for constructing and sizing finished, yet. I will contact you via email on how to access the pattern.

  50. Hello there, have you ever turned your belt into a mans tie? My Uncle wants one and if I had the pattern for the belt I think I could make him one. My Aunt just passed on the 20th of dec.2016 and I want to cheer him up here is my email if you can help:

    1. I haven't tried it, but someone actually has here:

  51. What would you charge to make me a corset? I a 2x size lady

  52. Tricia, please see Etsy Convo I sent you for details. :)

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