
Monday, April 27, 2009

Action Pics from Scarby '09

Just got back from our first trip of the season to Scarborough. We made quite a few improvements to our garb this trip.

We reworked the front of mom's bodice. She says it fits much better not being as big as before. I took out the front plastic boning, which was causing some ripples and buckling in her trim. Eventually, we are going to put the stiffer boning back in the sides, but it's not as necessary anymore now that it is smaller.

I also added an ostrich feather to her hat, which I think really gives it that extra touch.

pop top hat feathered

She finally got to show off her new mug and parasol holders that were made for us by Cormac on . They came in very handy.

I got to wear my new things. A corset, mug holder (by Cormac) and new (to me) mug.

mug holder

We whipped up a last minute simple cincher for my daughter to wear. Here she is participating at the maypole.

As usual, we had a blast and wore ourselves out. In all, a good time was had. Can't wait to return. Huzzah!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Proximidade Blog Award

I just received a blog award from Jamie Moore of Creepy Creations. Ahh, how sweet. (Though, I feel she's a bit biased. **nudge nudge, wink, wink** ;) ) I tried looking up the history of this award, but found very little information about its origins. However, it sounds like a very nice thing to do for others. So, from what I can tell we are supposed to include the following descriptive text about the award:

"This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY--nearness in space, time, and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!

The instructions then say, "Deliver this award to eight bloggers who will choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

Here are my list of bloggers (in no particular order) that I think deserve to receive an award for their more than "charming" sites.

And, though the following have already received this award, I would also like to include these exceptional ladies:

Thanks to all of you for your ingenuitive contributions to the world of creative arts and inspiring so many of us to try new things.

Tiffany (Mieljolie)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Curvier Corset in Light Blue

Hello there! Finally posting a new project. I've been reworking a victorian-style corset for some time now. By victorian, I guess I mean that it is more curvier than the previous corset.


I had some trouble with the other one I made being to short to wear with the low cut pants that are in these days. So, I made one that extends down further over the hips. I also worked in what I'm referring to as an "intarsia" design into the front. I'm calling it that because creating it is very similar doing intarsia in knitting using floats.



I reduced the number of tabs in the lacing by skipping every other one. I don't have it laced as tightly as it will be for faire. I want to break it in slowly. Mom laced me upsidedown from what I prefer being small chested and all. Ideally it should be laced starting at both the top and bottom and tied in the middle, but my shoestring laces were too long for that. :)




Thanks for looking!

Oh! If you want to make your own, I do have the pattern to make this corset available for trade.