
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stephanie's Jingly Belt

Hello, once again! I'm managing to squeeze one more post on here to wrap up the year!

I just received some pics my family and I took the last weekend of TRF (Texas Renaissance Festival) and wanted to share some of them with you. While walking up to the main gate, we saw this girl, whom I believe was named Stephanie (please forgive me if I'm wrong). When I saw her belt I had to run up and introduce myself and get some pics. She made a really original jingly belt out of ... you guessed it ... can tabs. And, a lot of them, too!

I like how she strung them at the top and hung chains of them around the bottom. It still amazes me how many different ways you can use these things! Here is a closer look:

Hope "Stephanie" stops by here to see her belt. She was so kind to let us bug her.

Well, that is just about it for this year. It's been a great one. Looking forward to continuing on into the next. I have many projects still in the works for future posts.

A BIG Thank you to everyone who has taken an interest in this blog. You guys are great! And, I have good news! I may have a blog contest lined up soon! I will be giving away some of my pieces. I'm also wondering if any of you would like to craft some creative tabistry masterpieces for prizes. Let me know if it sounds like a fun idea. So, keep checking back for details. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Holidays!

I can not believe Christmas is so close! Where has this year gone?! I think someone has been swiping days from me while I was busy crafting! :) But I do have one more project to show for my efforts.

tabistry holiday stocking

tabistry holiday stocking

A full-size tabistry holiday stocking as promised. I used polar fleece strips to weave it. I attempted a pattern on each side using silver and green tabs, but it is hard to see it unless you hold it at just the right angle. One side is candy-striped will the other is a diamond pattern. I'll try to shoot some pics that actually show both patterns when I get a chance.

Wasn't sure I would get this stocking finishing in time, but I did it! Having some frustration getting to know to the new camera. (I lost my old one at faire.) At least the colors are not as oversaturated. They just don't seem as clear to me, though.

I've entered this stocking in a couple holiday contests. If you would like to, I'd love some votes.

You vote once per day at Greenwala here.

Or, vote for me at: Michaels Photo Entry

I've got a few other items I'm going to try to get finished before the year ends. Wish me luck!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Beth's Pirate Corset

While busy at faire and trying to finish up some new things I've been working on, I started posting a lot of different artist's works made with tabs and adding them to a gallery page. You folks have sent so many amazing pics of some really unique pieces that I just had to share them with everyone! Keep them coming! I would like to keep featuring new artists on a weekly basis if possible.

This week I'm featuring Beth's (daughter's) pirate corset:

This is a Beth's daughter modeling her new garb. Beth wanted to make her daughter a pirate corset like mine. So, awhile back we arranged a swap for the pattern. I also helped her start the front panels and she did a great job continuing the rest. She also made the black skirt and her lovely and talented daughter made the red crocheted hat she is wearing. Beth tells me her daughter loved how the corset turned out and got lots of compliments at faire. Yay!

Here are some more pics of the front and back:

She chose to use my original pattern with a little resizing but with the contrasting red back panels where mine just wraps around from the sides in black. I think the back panels really make it look more interesting and finished.

For her end of the swap, together they crocheted my daughter and me some wonderful items, which I have been so rude not to share pics of until now.

Beth made this gray hat and scarf set and the most adorable stuffed Koala bear amigurumi:

And, her daughter made this orange hat:

The pom pom tops were added by us. My daughter was insisting they both needed the poms. I just happened to have a yarn that was close enough to the last one. She wore the orange one to "Hat Day" at school in October.

Thanks so much for swapping with us, Beth. We'd love to do it again, soon!